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Things are a bit different at the moment and we are doing our utmost to deliver our sessions safely and inline with the latest guidelines (view our latest Covid19 measures). However, we understand that in some settings it's not possible for us to come in just yet!


We still want to make sure that the children in your setting get the support they need to develop strong language and communication skills. We also understand that many children may have missed out on extra support and Speech and Language input in the last few months.


So, we have created an amazing new subscription service. â€‹The same fun games, activities and language supporting strategies but delivered straight to you to deliver yourselves.

Your Subscription:


Scroll down to sign up for monthly sessions expertly created by a Speech and Language Therapist.



















What are the benefits?



  • Our songs, stories, games and activities aim to develop skills in receptive and expressive language, turn taking, attention and listening and improve confidence, social skills and vocabulary learning. â€‹


  • You will receive Integrated training and strategies to support speech, language and communication development.


  • This programme is expertly designed to support the EYFS.


  • Is an effective use of Early Years Pupil Premium funding.


  • Supports Ofsted by demonstrating a 'commitment to communication' and supporting children with SLCN.


  • Printable resources to use in your setting and share with parents.


  • Covid-Friendly. Support those children who are unable to have face-to-face interventions.




do we have to have training before delivering the sessions?



We would suggest that staff who have not have any previous training in supporting children with SLCN take our training course as this will provide a more in-depth understanding of how to identify and support children within your setting.

However, this programme will provide a full guide on how to deliver the sessions. You will also have access to a Speech and Language Therapist who you can contact at any time for any support or advice you need regarding the sessions. 





Each month you will receive 4 evidence-based session plans and all the information you'll need to deliver the sessions successfully, including additional resources. As well as being packed with story ideas, songs, games and activities, you will also receive strategies and tips to support SLCN that you can share with parents. 

You will have everything you need to set up and deliver our Language Booster group sessions. Your subscription also includes access to a Speech and Language Therapist for help and advice.

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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